Cold-Related Emergencies

Cold-Related Emergency

  • Exposure of body parts in below freezing point temperatures
  • Lack of warm clothing/heating in cold environment
  • Low body temperature
  • Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures
  • Wet clothes in a cold area.


Frostbite occurs when a part of the body is exposed to extreme cold. It typically affects the fingers, nose, ears and toes. Severity of the injury depends on the temperature, length of exposure and wind. In the most severe of cases, frostbite can lead to a loss of the affected body part. Remember do not rub the frostbitten area.


Hypothermia is when the entire body cools because its ability to keep warm fails. This condition is severe and can lead to death. The temperature does not have to be below freezing to develop hypothermia. If a person stops to shiver, this is a sign of further deterioration . Shivering stops when the body temperature is very low.

First Aid Actions:

Assess the scene and check for your safety.
Call 911.
Get a First Aid kit and wear personal protective equipment.

If a person is experiencing:

Frostbite: Remove tight and wet clothing from affected area; pat skin dry, do not rewarm the area if there is the danger of it refreezing. If you rewarm, use warm not hot water.

Hypothermia: Get the person to a warmer place, remove wet clothing and cover the person with a blanket and any additional articles of clothing to provide warmth.